by Aleth
when i say ‘jesus’ i don’t mean gospel jesus who never existed
at all and is an entirely fabricated fictional character. I mean
jesus bar saba, fifth and last son of hanan the hidden, youngest
brother of john the baptist, judas, james and simon/ simeon. This is
NOT saying that jesus bar saba was the historical jesus. There was no
such thing as the historical jesus. Jesus bar saba was one of the
pieces of the collagework that fictional gospel jesus really is.
historian joseph flavius (I century ce) mentions a honi or onias
(both mean john in hebrew) ‘the righteous’, stoned to death in 65
bce according to robert eisenman. Eisenman adds that onias the
righteous was also called honi the circle drawer. Because he was a
shamanistic rainmaker who drew magic circles in the sand and stood
inside of them in times of drought until the rain came. Gospel jesus
is also pictured as drawing in the ground in the famous ‘cast the
first stone’ episode, where the threatened-stoning detail must also
have been inspired to the forgers by the manner honi the circle
drawer was put to death. Eisenman goes on to say that this onias/
honi the righteous/ honi the circle drawer, stoned 65 bce, fathered
another john: hanan the hidden, himself also called the righteous
(honi = onias = hanan = john: the complete original hebrew form is
johanan). Now hanan the hidden was a rainmaker too. According to
eisenman, the talmud says hanan the hidden was the grandson not the
son of honi the circle drawer. Which, since the circle drawer was
stoned 65 ce, has led some to identify hanan the hidden with john the
baptist. But luke says that john the baptist’s father was an old
man when he had john, which if true, would better square with hanan
the hidden being son not grandson of the circle drawer, in which case
hanan cannot have been born any later than 64 bce. John the baptist
must have been born around the year 0 (the traditional date for the
birth of ‘jesus’) because he died c. 36/37 ce, and he cannot have
been old when he died if he was leading a desert-dwelling life and
founding what amounted to a guerrilla group: the nasri: the real
early christians.
regardless of whether hanan the hidden was john the baptist himself
or his father, the overall genealogy of this real jesus is as
THE RIGHTEOUS (a title that will be inherited by his grandson james
the just) = HONI THE CIRCLE DRAWER: stoned to death in 65 bce
(eisenman, james 1997, p.386)
THE HIDDEN (onias’ son or grandson), rainmaker
BAR SABA (= sons of the rainmaker) brothers:
JOHN THE BAPTIST (dies 36/37 ce)
JAMES (dies 62 ce)
JUDAS (dies c. 45 ce)
SIMON / SIMEON (dies 105/106 ce)
JESUS (dies 66/67 ce)